Destiny Partnership Go Above and Beyond

Every year, the UK discards an estimated 2 million tonnes of waste electrical equipment. This puts us as one of the world’s worst polluters, which isn’t a great place to be, seeing as it can have a devastating impact on marine life.

Destiny Partnership, a charitable organisation based in Aberdeen, Scotland, are leading by example to combat the growing waste problem. It can be hard to find a way to recycle those old electrical items, but the charity has promised to make it easier for us by recycling anything with a plug.

As you can see, I take electricals there regularly to either be fixed or recycled and the staff are just great.

This isn’t the only area the charity are excelling in, they also run the social enterprise, Young Life Savers.

The free enterprise teaches youngsters how to apply first aid and other life-saving skills, making the youth of today invaluable to our tomorrow.

Above this, the initiative also hosts classroom-based courses aimed at teaching children the importance of mental health, how to deal with bullying, cyber bulling, and much more.

The charity is working hard to become an accredited awarding body for delivering qualifications.

Debbie on the job organising books

If you’re a fan of attending events around the north of Scotland, you may have seen the charity offering first aid support.

The team can often be recognised by their huge smiles!

The charity has big dreams when it comes to the future. They are currently fund raising for Project Alpha, a café where individuals can come and not only gain hospitality qualifications, but service skills, people skills, accountancy skills, build confidence and more importantly, have fun while doing it. The aim is to be able to give a wage alongside the experience, giving those needing a hand a boost towards a bright future.

Destiny Partnership are a truly wonderful organisation, and I am delighted to be able to work together with such fantastic people. I would highly recommend giving them a visit at 1 Little Belmont Street, Aberdeen.

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