Many of us struggle to let go of clothes as within that wardrobe holds many memories good or bad. Many pieces of clothing behind the closed doors have a story to tell which can often be sentimental so it is understandable that they can be hard to part with.
It is important to understand why you find it hard, a lot of memories are attached to items so why not open your wardrobe and ask yourself if you are holding onto your clothes for any of these reasons:
– It holds a sentimental value
– I spent a lot of money on it
– Someone close to me gave it to me
– I will fit into it one day
– I didn’t know I still had that but I might wear it one day
– It was a trend once so it might come back
The one I can relate to is to keep clothes in your wardrobe that actually fit you. Prior to becoming an organiser, I was guilty of always buying the smaller size and starting that diet on Monday! The reality was my ‘must fit into pile’ was greater than what did so I no longer get into that trap and only buy what fits and suits my shape! By the time I started the diet the items were no longer in fashion!
We must not allow our clothes to burden us, life is hard enough. Remind yourself that the money has already been spent so it is okay to let go of the guilt of not wearing it. Just because your favourite Auntie bought you that jumper doesn’t mean you have to wear it, they got the enjoyment from buying it for you. Now is the time to let someone else enjoy it rather than it being a constant reminder in the back of your wardrobe.
Open that wardrobe and let it be filled with positivity! Imagine being able to easily see the choices you have and items you want to wear rather than grabbing the first thing that you can find.
Less is more 😊